Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Review of You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) by Jeff Goins

      This is not a book written for just anybody that has a dream of accomplishing something it was written to a particular “Tribe” as Jeff calls it. It was written to people who want to be writers and need that extra incentive to do it. Originally written in 2012 it has been revamped a little bit and had some edits made, Jeff tells us that in the introduction to this edition I have read. Jeff is a man who took a while to find all the things he is telling us about in this book. Such as finding his voice, building a platform and making relationships. You are a writer is not a super long book, it is actually 134 pages long. I am usually a slow reader, however with Jeff’s conversational style I read the book in about 3 hours give or take an hour. I read his work in the kinde edition so excuse me for not having page numbers.
     The very first thing I highlighted in the book was “Believe you already are what you want to be. And start acting like it.” (location 74). I think even though Jeff is writing to a specific audience this could bode well for any thing. I am working on becoming a pastor and this made me feel that I need to act like a pastor would now. And that ties into the next quote where Jeff says, “Before others will believe what is true about you, you’ll have to believe it yourself.”(location 165) What he is trying to say here and throughout the book is that you have to have a confidence in yourself even when no one else does. That is going to help you make it in what ever it is you are trying to accomplish. I love all of the positive affirmation that Jeff gives throughout the book. “You have to be yourself, to speak in a way that is true to you.  This is the next step to claiming your life as a writer— taking yourself seriously so your audience will too.” (location 252) Jeff continues to inspire throughout this work. He dispels the myth of good writing and eggs you on to become and effective writer. 
        If I can take away more than one thing from this book, I hope to remember “If you are going to succeed as a writer, you are going to have to learn to be smart. To have thick skin. To be more than talented.”(location 420) I think if you are going to succeed at anything you have to be thick skinned because there are always going to be critics. While this work is written primarily for writers I would recommend it to anyone who has a dream to become more than what they are. Stop saying tomorrow or in the future and start now. While I cannot call my self Reverend I can call myself an evangelist. 

What do you need to start calling yourself? How can I help you reach your goals? 


  1. It was always hard to express myself on paper let alone write a book about my growing up in Harlem newyork and how God saved me and changed my life.

  2. William,
    Thanks for the reply. It sounds like you may have a story lots of people could relate to. In the book Jeff suggests just writing even if it's only 20mins a day write. You could start a blog and go from there and then compile most of your posts and have a book. I would love to hear more about your story.
    Life is hard, but God is good,


  3. Writing has always been a dream of mine. From journal writing and now blogging I desire to bless others with what God has placed on the inside of me. But I must believe in myself first.

  4. Yevette,

    You must start calling yourself a writer and then write. And as you do it it will begin to flow for you. Search for Jeff's 500 word challenge. it is a 31 day challenge to write 500 words a day. either in a journal or blog or however but write at least 500 words a day. there are prompts to help you through the process. At the bottom of this blog is a link (I believe) for it.

    If I can be of anymore help please let me know. God Bless,

